CorelDraw Shortcut keys

CorelDraw Shortcut keys CorelDraw Shortcut keys

Align BottomMainBAligns selected objects to the bottom
Align Centers HorizontallyMainEHorizontally aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Centers VerticallyMainCVertically aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align LeftMainLAligns selected objects to the left
Align RightMainRAligns selected objects to the right
Align To BaselineMainAlt+F12Aligns text to the baseline
Align TopMainTAligns selected objects to the top
Artistic MediaMainIAdd artistic brush, spray, and calligraphic effects by using freehand strokes.
Back OneMainCtrl+PgDnBack One
BoldText EditingCtrl+BMake the text bold.
BoldTable Text EditingCtrl+BMake the text bold.
Break ApartMainCtrl+KBreak the object apart to create multiple objects and paths.
Bring up Property BarMainCtrl+EnterBrings up the Property Bar and gives focus to the first visible item that can be tabbed to
CenterText EditingCtrl+ECenter text within the bounding box.
CenterTable Text EditingCtrl+ECenter text within the bounding box.
Center to PageMainPAligns the centers of the selected objects to page
Change Case...Text EditingShift+F3Changes the case of selected text
Change Case...Table Text EditingShift+F3Changes the case of selected text
Character FormattingMainCtrl+TChange the properties of text characters.
Color Balance...MainCtrl+Shift+BColor Balance
Column/Frame BreakText EditingCtrl+EnterColumn/&Frame Break
Column/Frame BreakTable Text EditingCtrl+EnterColumn/&Frame Break
CombineMainCtrl+LCombine  objects into a single object with common properties.
ContourMainCtrl+F9Opens the Contour Docker Window
ConvertMainCtrl+F8Converts artistic text to paragraph text or vice versa
Convert Outline To ObjectMainCtrl+Shift+QConverts an outline to an object
Convert To CurvesMainCtrl+QAllow the object to be modified by using the shape tools.
CopyMainCtrl+CPlace copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
CopyMainCtrl+InsertPlace copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
CutMainCtrl+XMove one or more objects to the Clipboard.
CutMainShift+DeleteMove one or more objects to the Clipboard.
DeleteMainDeleteDeletes the selected object(s)
Delete Character to RightText EditingDeleteDeletes the character to the right of the text caret
Delete Character to RightTable Text EditingDeleteDeletes the character to the right of the text caret
Delete Word to RightText EditingCtrl+DeleteDeletes the word to the right of the text caret
Delete Word to RightTable Text EditingCtrl+DeleteDeletes the word to the right of the text caret
Distribute BottomMainShift+BDistributes selected objects to the bottom
Distribute Centers HorizontallyMainShift+EHorizontally Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute Centers VerticallyMainShift+CVertically Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute LeftMainShift+LDistributes selected objects to the left
Distribute RightMainShift+RDistributes selected objects to the right
Distribute Spacing HorizontallyMainShift+PHorizontally Distributes the space between the selected objects
Distribute Spacing VerticallyMainShift+AVertically Distributes the space between the selected objects
Distribute TopMainShift+TDistributes selected objects to the top
DuplicateMainCtrl+DDuplicates the selected object(s) and offsets by a specified amount
Dynamic GuidesMainAlt+Shift+DAlign objects with other objects by using dynamic guidelines.
Edit Text...MainCtrl+Shift+TModify text by using a text editor.
EllipseMainF7Draw circles and ellipses by dragging in the drawing window.
Em DashText EditingAlt+_Em &Dash
Em DashTable Text EditingAlt+_Em &Dash
Em SpaceText EditingCtrl+Shift+ME&m Space
Em SpaceTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+ME&m Space
En DashText EditingAlt+-En D&ash
En DashTable Text EditingAlt+-En D&ash
En SpaceText EditingCtrl+Shift+NE&n Space
En SpaceTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+NE&n Space
EnvelopeMainCtrl+F7Opens the Envelope Docker Window
EraserMainXRemove unwanted areas in a drawing.
ExitMainAlt+F4Exits CorelDRAW and prompts to save the active drawing
Expand SelectionTable EditingCtrl+AExpand Selection
Expand SelectionTable Text EditingCtrl+AExpand Selection
Export...MainCtrl+ESave a duplicate of the document to a different file format.
Find Objects...MainCtrl+FSelects object(s) by specified properties
Find Text...Text EditingAlt+F3Finds the specified text in the drawing
Find Text...Table Text EditingAlt+F3Finds the specified text in the drawing
Font ListText EditingCtrl+Shift+FChoose a typeface for new or selected text.
Font ListTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+FChoose a typeface for new or selected text.
Font Size DecreaseText EditingCtrl+NUMPAD2Decreases font size to previous point size
Font Size DecreaseTable Text EditingCtrl+NUMPAD2Decreases font size to previous point size
Font Size DecreaseMainCtrl+NUMPAD2Decreases font size to previous point size
Font Size IncreaseText EditingCtrl+NUMPAD8Increases font size to next point size
Font Size IncreaseTable Text EditingCtrl+NUMPAD8Increases font size to next point size
Font Size IncreaseMainCtrl+NUMPAD8Increases font size to next point size
Font Size ListText EditingCtrl+Shift+PSpecify the font size.
Font Size ListTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+PSpecify the font size.
Font Size Next Combo SizeText EditingCtrl+NUMPAD6Increase font size to next setting in Font Size List
Font Size Next Combo SizeTable Text EditingCtrl+NUMPAD6Increase font size to next setting in Font Size List
Font Size Next Combo SizeMainCtrl+NUMPAD6Increase font size to next setting in Font Size List
Font Size Previous Combo SizeText EditingCtrl+NUMPAD4Decrease font size to previous setting available in the Font Size List
Font Size Previous Combo SizeTable Text EditingCtrl+NUMPAD4Decrease font size to previous setting available in the Font Size List
Font Size Previous Combo SizeMainCtrl+NUMPAD4Decrease font size to previous setting available in the Font Size List
Font Weight ListText EditingCtrl+Shift+WShows a list of all the available/active font weights
Font Weight ListTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+WShows a list of all the available/active font weights
Force JustifyText EditingCtrl+HAlign all text with both the left and right sides of the bounding box. 
Force JustifyTable Text EditingCtrl+HAlign all text with both the left and right sides of the bounding box. 
Forward OneMainCtrl+PgUpForward One
Fountain FillMainF11Fill an object with a gradient of colors or shades.
FreehandMainF5Draw curves and straight line segments.
Full JustifyText EditingCtrl+JAlign all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Full JustifyTable Text EditingCtrl+JAlign all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Full-Screen PreviewMainF9Displays a full-screen preview of the drawing
Graph PaperMainDDraw a grid.
Graphic and Text StylesMainCtrl+F5Opens the Graphic and Text Styles Docker Window
GroupMainCtrl+GGroup objects while preserving their individual attributes.
HTML Font Size ListText EditingCtrl+Shift+HShows a list of all the available/active HTML font sizes
HTML Font Size ListTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+HShows a list of all the available/active HTML font sizes
Horizontal TextMainCtrl+,Changes the text to horizontal direction
Import...MainCtrl+IImport a file into the active document.
Insert Symbol CharacterMainCtrl+F11Opens the Insert Character Docker Window
Interactive FillMainGCreate a fill dynamically by using markers in the drawing window and property bar to change the angle, midpoint, and color.
ItalicText EditingCtrl+IMake the text italic.
ItalicTable Text EditingCtrl+IMake the text italic.
Join CurvesMainCtrl+Shift+JJoin curves using endpoint tolerance
LeftText EditingCtrl+LAlign text with the left side of the bounding box.
LeftTable Text EditingCtrl+LAlign text with the left side of the bounding box.
LensMainAlt+F3Opens the Lens Docker Window
Macro Editor...MainAlt+F11Macro &Editor...
Macro ManagerMainAlt+Shift+F11&Macro Manager
Merge CellsTable EditingCtrl+MMerge cells into one cell.
Mesh FillMainMFill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over a mesh grid.
Micro Nudge Anchor DownAnchor EditingCtrl+DnArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Down
Micro Nudge Anchor LeftAnchor EditingCtrl+LeftArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Left
Micro Nudge Anchor RightAnchor EditingCtrl+RightArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Right
Micro Nudge Anchor UpAnchor EditingCtrl+UpArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Up
Micro Nudge DownMainCtrl+DnArrowNudges the object downward by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge LeftMainCtrl+LeftArrowNudges the object to the left by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge RightMainCtrl+RightArrowNudges the object to the right by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge UpMainCtrl+UpArrowNudges the object upward by the Micro Nudge factor
Move DownTable EditingDnArrowMove Down
Move Down 1 FrameText EditingPgDnMoves the text caret down 1 frame
Move Down 1 FrameTable Text EditingPgDnMoves the text caret down 1 frame
Move Down 1 LineText EditingDnArrowMoves the text caret down 1 line
Move Down 1 LineTable Text EditingDnArrowMoves the text caret down 1 line
Move Down 1 ParagraphText EditingCtrl+DnArrowMoves the text caret down 1 paragraph
Move Down 1 ParagraphTable Text EditingCtrl+DnArrowMoves the text caret down 1 paragraph
Move LeftTable EditingLeftArrowMove Left
Move Left 1 CharacterText EditingLeftArrowMoves the text caret left 1 character
Move Left 1 CharacterTable Text EditingLeftArrowMoves the text caret left 1 character
Move Left 1 WordText EditingCtrl+LeftArrowMoves the text caret left 1 word
Move Left 1 WordTable Text EditingCtrl+LeftArrowMoves the text caret left 1 word
Move RightTable EditingRightArrowMove Right
Move Right 1 CharacterText EditingRightArrowMoves the text caret right 1 character
Move Right 1 CharacterTable Text EditingRightArrowMoves the text caret right 1 character
Move Right 1 WordText EditingCtrl+RightArrowMoves the text caret right 1 word
Move Right 1 WordTable Text EditingCtrl+RightArrowMoves the text caret right 1 word
Move UpTable EditingUpArrowMove Up
Move Up 1 FrameText EditingPgUpMoves the text caret up 1 frame
Move Up 1 FrameTable Text EditingPgUpMoves the text caret up 1 frame
Move Up 1 LineText EditingUpArrowMoves the text caret up 1 line
Move Up 1 LineTable Text EditingUpArrowMoves the text caret up 1 line
Move Up 1 ParagraphText EditingCtrl+UpArrowMoves the text caret up 1 paragraph
Move Up 1 ParagraphTable Text EditingCtrl+UpArrowMoves the text caret up 1 paragraph
Move to Beginning of FrameText EditingCtrl+HomeMoves the text caret to the beginning of the frame
Move to Beginning of FrameTable Text EditingCtrl+HomeMoves the text caret to the beginning of the frame
Move to Beginning of LineText EditingHomeMoves the text caret to the beginning of the line
Move to Beginning of LineTable Text EditingHomeMoves the text caret to the beginning of the line
Move to Beginning of TextText EditingCtrl+PgUpMoves the text caret to the beginning of the text
Move to Beginning of TextTable Text EditingCtrl+PgUpMoves the text caret to the beginning of the text
Move to End of FrameText EditingCtrl+EndMoves the text caret to the end of the frame
Move to End of FrameTable Text EditingCtrl+EndMoves the text caret to the end of the frame
Move to End of LineText EditingEndMoves the text caret to the end of the line
Move to End of LineTable Text EditingEndMoves the text caret to the end of the line
Move to End of TextText EditingCtrl+PgDnMoves the text caret to the end of the text
Move to End of TextTable Text EditingCtrl+PgDnMoves the text caret to the end of the text
NavigatorMainNBrings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
New...MainCtrl+NStart a new document.
Next PageMainPgDnGoes to the next page
Non-breaking HyphenText EditingCtrl+Shift+-Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking HyphenText EditingCtrl+_Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking HyphenTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+-Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking HyphenTable Text EditingCtrl+_Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking HyphenMainCtrl+Shift+-Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking HyphenMainCtrl+_Non-breaking &Hyphen
Non-breaking SpaceText EditingCtrl+Shift+SpaceNon-breaking &Space
Non-breaking SpaceTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+SpaceNon-breaking &Space
NoneText EditingCtrl+NDo not align text with the bounding box.
NoneTable Text EditingCtrl+NDo not align text with the bounding box.
Nudge Anchor DownAnchor EditingDnArrowNudge Anchor Down
Nudge Anchor LeftAnchor EditingLeftArrowNudge Anchor Left
Nudge Anchor RightAnchor EditingRightArrowNudge Anchor Right
Nudge Anchor UpAnchor EditingUpArrowNudge Anchor Up
Nudge DownMainDnArrowNudges the object downward
Nudge LeftMainLeftArrowNudges the object to the left
Nudge RightMainRightArrowNudges the object to the right
Nudge UpMainUpArrowNudges the object upward
Open...MainCtrl+OOpen an existing document by browsing to the folder where the document is located.
Optional HyphenText EditingCtrl+-&Optional Hyphen
Optional HyphenTable Text EditingCtrl+-&Optional Hyphen
Optional HyphenMainCtrl+-&Optional Hyphen
Options...MainCtrl+JSet your workspace preferences.
Outline ColorMainShift+F12Choose the outline color by using color viewers and color palettes.
Outline PenMainF12Set outline properties such as line thickness, corner shape, and arrow type.
PanMainHDrag hidden areas of a drawing into view without changing the zoom level.
Pan DownMainAlt+DnArrow
Pan LeftMainAlt+LeftArrow
Pan RightMainAlt+RightArrow
Pan UpMainAlt+UpArrow
PasteMainCtrl+VPlace the Clipboard contents in the document.
PasteMainShift+InsertPlace the Clipboard contents in the document.
PolygonMainYDraw polygons by dragging in the drawing window.
PositionMainAlt+F7Opens the Position Docker Window
Previous PageMainPgUpGoes to the previous page
Print...MainCtrl+PChoose printing options, and print the active document.
PropertiesMainAlt+EnterAllows the properties of an object to be viewed and edited
Record Temporary MacroMainCtrl+Shift+R&Record Temporary Macro
RectangleMainF6Draw squares and rectangles by dragging in the drawing window.
Redo MainCtrl+Shift+ZReapply the last undone action.
Refresh WindowMainCtrl+WRedraws the drawing window
Repeat MoveMainCtrl+RRepeats the last operation
RightText EditingCtrl+RAlign text with the right side of the bounding box.
RightTable Text EditingCtrl+RAlign text with the right side of the bounding box.
RotateMainAlt+F8Opens the Rotate Docker Window
Run Temporary MacroMainCtrl+Shift+PRun Tem&porary Macro
Sample Mesh Fill ColorMainCtrl+Shift+ESample a color from the desktop to apply to the selected nodes.
Save As...MainCtrl+Shift+SSaves the active drawing with a new name
Save...MainCtrl+SSave the active document.
ScaleMainAlt+F9Opens the Scale Docker Window
Select All AnchorsAnchor EditingCtrl+ASelect All Anchors
Select DownTable EditingShift+DnArrowSelect Down
Select Down 1 FrameText EditingShift+PgDnSelects text downwards by 1 frame
Select Down 1 FrameTable Text EditingShift+PgDnSelects text downwards by 1 frame
Select Down 1 LineText EditingShift+DnArrowSelects text downwards by 1 line
Select Down 1 LineTable Text EditingShift+DnArrowSelects text downwards by 1 line
Select Down 1 ParagraphText EditingCtrl+Shift+DnArrowSelects text downwards by 1 paragraph
Select Down 1 ParagraphTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+DnArrowSelects text downwards by 1 paragraph
Select LeftTable EditingShift+LeftArrowSelect Left
Select Left 1 CharacterText EditingShift+LeftArrowSelects the character to the left of the text caret
Select Left 1 CharacterTable Text EditingShift+LeftArrowSelects the character to the left of the text caret
Select Left 1 WordText EditingCtrl+Shift+LeftArrowSelects the word to the left of the text caret
Select Left 1 WordTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+LeftArrowSelects the word to the left of the text caret
Select RightTable EditingShift+RightArrowSelect Right
Select Right 1 CharacterText EditingShift+RightArrowSelects the character to the right of the text caret
Select Right 1 CharacterTable Text EditingShift+RightArrowSelects the character to the right of the text caret
Select Right 1 WordText EditingCtrl+Shift+RightArrowSelects the word to the right of the text caret
Select Right 1 WordTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+RightArrowSelects the word to the right of the text caret
Select UpTable EditingShift+UpArrowSelect Up
Select Up 1 FrameText EditingShift+PgUpSelects text upwards by 1 frame
Select Up 1 FrameTable Text EditingShift+PgUpSelects text upwards by 1 frame
Select Up 1 LineText EditingShift+UpArrowSelects text upwards by 1 line
Select Up 1 LineTable Text EditingShift+UpArrowSelects text upwards by 1 line
Select Up 1 ParagraphText EditingCtrl+Shift+UpArrowSelects text upwards by 1 paragraph
Select Up 1 ParagraphTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+UpArrowSelects text upwards by 1 paragraph
Select all objectsMainCtrl+A
Select to Beginning of FrameText EditingCtrl+Shift+HomeSelects text to the beginning of the frame
Select to Beginning of FrameTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+HomeSelects text to the beginning of the frame
Select to Beginning of LineText EditingShift+HomeSelects text to the beginning of the line
Select to Beginning of LineTable Text EditingShift+HomeSelects text to the beginning of the line
Select to Beginning of TextText EditingCtrl+Shift+PgUpSelects text to the beginning of the text
Select to Beginning of TextTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+PgUpSelects text to the beginning of the text
Select to End of FrameText EditingCtrl+Shift+EndSelects text to the end of the frame
Select to End of FrameTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+EndSelects text to the end of the frame
Select to End of LineText EditingShift+EndSelects text to the end of the line
Select to End of LineTable Text EditingShift+EndSelects text to the end of the line
Select to End of TextText EditingCtrl+Shift+PgDnSelects text to the end of the text
Select to End of TextTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+PgDnSelects text to the end of the text
ShapeMainF10Edit a curve object or text character by manipulating nodes.
Show Non-Printing CharactersText EditingCtrl+Shift+CShows non-printing characters
Show Non-Printing CharactersTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+CShows non-printing characters
SizeMainAlt+F10Opens the Size Docker Window
Small CapitalsText EditingCtrl+Shift+KReduce the size of uppercase letters in the text.
Small CapitalsTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+KReduce the size of uppercase letters in the text.
Smart DrawingMainShift+SConvert freehand strokes to basic shapes or smoothed curves.
Snap to GridMainCtrl+YAlign objects with the grid.
Snap to ObjectsMainAlt+ZAlign objects with other objects in the document.
Spell Check...MainCtrl+F12Opens the Spell Checker; checks the spelling of the selected text
SpiralMainADraw symmetrical and logarithmic spirals.
Step and Repeat...MainCtrl+Shift+DShows Step and Repeat docker
Stop RecordingMainCtrl+Shift+OSt&op Recording
Style ListText EditingCtrl+Shift+SShows a list of all the styles in the drawing
Style ListTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+SShows a list of all the styles in the drawing
Super Nudge Anchor DownAnchor EditingShift+DnArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Down
Super Nudge Anchor LeftAnchor EditingShift+LeftArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Left
Super Nudge Anchor RightAnchor EditingShift+RightArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Right
Super Nudge Anchor UpAnchor EditingShift+UpArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Up
Super Nudge DownMainShift+DnArrowNudges the object downward by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge LeftMainShift+LeftArrowNudges the object to the left by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge RightMainShift+RightArrowNudges the object to the right by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge UpMainShift+UpArrowNudges the object upward by the Super Nudge factor
Symbol ManagerMainCtrl+F3Symbol Manager Docker
TableTable EditingDeleteDelete the selected table
TextText EditingCtrl+F10Opens the Options dialog with the Text options page selected
TextTable Text EditingCtrl+F10Opens the Options dialog with the Text options page selected
TextMainF8Add and edit paragraph and artistic text.
To Back Of LayerMainShift+PgDnMove the object to the back of the layer.
To Back Of PageMainCtrl+EndTo Back Of Page
To Front Of LayerMainShift+PgUpMove the object to the front of the layer.
To Front Of PageMainCtrl+HomeTo Front Of Page
Toggle Pick StateMainCtrl+SpaceToggles between the current tool and the Pick tool
Toggle ViewMainShift+F9Toggles between the last two used view qualities
UnderlineText EditingCtrl+UUnderline the text.
UnderlineTable Text EditingCtrl+UUnderline the text.
Undo MoveMainCtrl+ZCancel the previous action.
Undo MoveMainAlt+BackspaceCancel the previous action.
UngroupMainCtrl+UBreak a group into individual objects or groups.
Uniform FillMainShift+F11Choose a solid fill color for an object by using color palettes, color viewers, color harmonies, or color blends.
Use bulletsMainCtrl+MAdd or remove a bulleted-list format.
Use drop capText EditingCtrl+Shift+DAdd or remove a drop cap.
Use drop capTable Text EditingCtrl+Shift+DAdd or remove a drop cap.
VSTA Editor...MainAlt+Shift+F12VSTA Editor...
Vertical TextMainCtrl+.Changes the text to vertical
View ManagerMainCtrl+F2Opens the View Manager Docker Window
What's This?MainShift+F1What's This? Help
ZoomMainZChange the magnification level of the document window.
Zoom One-ShotMainF2
Zoom OutMainF3Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document.
Zoom To FitMainF4Adjust the magnification level to include all objects
Zoom To PageMainShift+F4Adjust the magnification level to fit the entire page.
Zoom To SelectionMainShift+F2Magnify only the selected object.
¼ Em SpaceText EditingCtrl+Alt+Space¼ &Em Space
¼ Em SpaceTable Text EditingCtrl+Alt+Space¼ &Em Space


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