Photoshop 7 Toolbox Shortcuts

Photoshop 7 Selection Tools

Draw straight linesAlt+click with Lasso toolOption+click with Lasso tool
Add to selection outlineShift+dragShift+drag
Deselect specific areaAlt+dragOption+drag
Deselect all but intersected areaShift+Alt+dragShift+Option+drag
Deselect entire imageCtrl+DApple Command key+D
Reselect last selectionCtrl+Shift+DApple Command key +Shift+D
Select everythingCtrl+AApple Command key +A
Hide extrasCtrl+HApple Command key +H
Move selection outline onlyDrag or press an arrow keyDrag or press an arrow key
Fill selection with foreground colorAlt+BackspaceOption+Delete
Fill selection with background colorCtrl+BackspaceApple Command key +Delete
Display Fill dialog boxShift+BackspaceShift+Delete
Cut selectionCtrl+XApple Command key +X
Copy selectionCtrl+CApple Command key +C
Paste image last cut or copiedCtrl+VApple Command key +V
Reapply last filterCtrl+FApple Command key +F
Adjust levelsCtrl+LApple Command key +L
Free TransformCtrl+TApple Command key +T
Transform AgainCtrl+Shift+TApple Command key +Shift+T

Photoshop 7 Layer Tools

New LayerCtrl+Shift+NApple Command key+Shift+N
Clone selection to a new layerCtrl+JApple Command key+J
Cut selection to a new layerCtrl+Shift+JApple Command key+Shift+J
Rename a layerDouble-click layer name in Layers paletteDouble-click on layer name in Layers palette
Activate layer that contains specific imageCtrl+click with Move toolApple Command key+click with Move tool
Activate next layer upAlt+]Option+]
Activate next layer downAlt+[Option+[
Hide all layers but oneAlt+click on ­eyeballOption+click on eyeball
Show all layersAlt+click on ­eyeballOption+click on eyeball
Select the contents of active layerCtrl+click on layer name in Layers paletteApple Command key+click on layer name in Layers palette

Photoshop 7 Palette Tools

Brushes paletteF5F5
Color paletteF6F6
Layers paletteF7F7
Info paletteF8F8
Actions paletteF9F9
Step forward in History paletteCtrl+Shift+ZApple Command key+Shift+Z
Step backward in History paletteCtrl+Alt+ZApple Command key+Option+Z
All palettes, status bar, options bar, and ToolboxTabTab
Just palettesShift+TabShift+Tab
Raise value in option boxup arrowup arrow
Lower value in option boxdown arrowdown arrow

Photoshop 7 Navigation Tools

Scroll imagespacebar+dragspacebar+drag
Zoom inCtrl+spacebar+clickApple Command key+spacebar+click
Zoom in and change window sizeCtrl+plusApple Command key+plus
Zoom outAlt+spacebar+clickOption+spacebar+click
Zoom out and change window sizeCtrl+minusApple Command key+minus
Scroll up or down one screenPageUp/PageDownPage Up/Page Down
Scroll left or rightCtrl+Page Up/Page DownCtrl+Page Up/Page Down
Move to upper-left corner of imageHomeHome
Move to lower-right corner of imageEndEnd
Zoom to 100%Double click on Zoom toolDouble click on Zoom tool
Fit on ScreenCtrl+0Apple Command key+0
Cycle through all open image windowsCtrl+TabApple Command key+tab

Photoshop 7 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Cancel operationEsc or Ctrl+. (period)Apple Command key+period or Esc
Close imageCtrl+WApple Command key+W
General preferencesCtrl+KApple Command key+K
Display last preferences panel usedCtrl+Alt+KApple Command key+Option+K
Open imageCtrl+OApple Command key+O
Print image with previewCtrl+PApple Command key+P
Page setupCtrl+Shift+PApple Command key+Shift+P
Quit PhotoshopCtrl+QApple Command key+Q
Save image to diskCtrl+SApple Command key+S
Save AsCtrl+Shift+SApple Command key+Shift+S
Save for WebCtrl+Alt+Shift+SApple Command key+Option+Shift+S
Undo last operationCtrl+ZApple Command key+Z

Photoshop 7 Painting and Editing Tools

Increase brush size]
Decrease brush size[
Change opacity or flow of tool1, … , 9, 0 in 10% increments
Paint or edit in straight linesclick, Shift+click
Erase to HistoryAlt+drag (Windows) Option+drag (Mac)


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